My Quote

Quote of the Day


(1) TTL to CMOS pullup & vice-versa

(2) function of Ping

(3) SNMP protocol

(4) Application layer

(5) ## ----> token pasting in C

(6) Question on C: i^=j you have to tell the output given the values of i and j;

(7) Complexity of Binary Search tree

(8) Macro is given as follows : SQR(x) x*x

find the value of SQR(i-j) , when i and j were given

(9) Multiplexer 1 to 3 inputs--- A,B,C control lines--- S1,S2 Output --- Y .Write Y interms of S1,S2

(10) Bandwidth minimum sampling theorem

(11) Shannon's Law

(12) Difference between fork() & execve()

(13) Banker's algorithm

(14) append(&struct , fp)

(15) Windows95 , X-Windows what are they?

(16) 16k memory , ending address of the address space FFFFH find the starting address?

(17) Difference between TCP/IP and OSI model

(18) Difference between Bridge and router

(19) A graph was given : " a qudrilateral with 1 diagonal " find the number of trees in the graph

(20) Difference between TCP and UDP

(21-23) Pass by reference in C (3 questions)

(24) Synchronisation technique for IPC ( probably which method among the 4 choices was best

was asked)

(25) Address of RST 6.5

(26) Preorder Traversal

(27) Infix to Postfix

(28) What data structure is used to transform infix to postfix?

(29) 4 bit computer , size of ROM given , output of ROM gives the address , design a mod-n


(30-31) FIFO , LRU page trace

(32) How many flip-flops in MOD-33 counter?

(33) printf("\nab\bcd\ref");

(34) doorom hello test

find argc and argv

(35) call main()






what does this piece of code does?

(36-39) 4 question from Understanding Pointers in C on Pointer , Array , all from exercise in the


(40-41) 2 questions on precedence rule