My Quote

Quote of the Day

gd questions part2

6. The Age of Information.

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

Today a plethora of sources to provide information-Newspapers, radio, Television, Internet etc. Information available at the touch of a button. Greater decision making power to the individual. Also easier decision making for the individual.Information is the key to ones success today. One who is more informed forges ahead. The flipside-information overkill. At times deciding is tough due to too much information ...etc.....

7. Is Philosophy just arm chair theory?

(This is an example of an abstract topic which is thrown up to students once in a while by the examiners)

The following points could be discussed under this topic:
Talk what you know about this topic . Talk of its relevance in day to day life( or irrelevance if you feel so..). Talk of its influence in literature e.g . Influence of Kant on the romantic poets especially Wordsworth or of Bacon , Voltaire et al on the "Enlightenment"period etc. Talk of its influence in politics e.g. Influence of Nietszche on Hitler and subsequent genocide during Nazi regime etc. Talk of ethics and morals and their importance in life. talk of Indian philosophy. the Gita . Discuss whether we use any of these in our lives and their importance in moulding our values...etc...

8. Success is all about human relations

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

The most important skill for success in to have people on your side. One can get a lot of work done by superiority and hierarchy but one cannot be a leader of men unless one maintains excellent human relations.Its importance not only in professional life but personal life too.Knowledge and expertise does one no good if one cannot maintain proper human relations...etc.....

9. Borderless worlds-Dream or reality?

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

Globalization of business. Opening up of the various economies. Cross cultural exchanges. More and more people getting an opportunity to work in different lands among different peoples and absorbing a bit of their values and culture. This leads to greater tolerance and understanding of others' problems. The other side-people despite all this have nationalistic and regionalist chauvinism . A world divided into first, second and third worlds. People still talk of "their" economy and not world economy. Europe has shown a step in this direction with EU but its feasibility remains to be seen. So while people clamor for globalization, they still think only in terms of their national interests...etc...

10. Quality is a myth in India.

The following points could be discussed under this topic:

The Indian products and manufacturing techniques. Why are we unable to sustain against global competition. Our mindset towards quality. Indian attitude of "chalta hai" which leads to an undemanding customer which in turn lets people get away with substandard products and services. Today competition is forcing our industry to adhere to global standards so we are getting there in terms of quality. Examples of our software industry which is recognized for its ability to meet global standards etc. Since the topic is general, we can extrapolate it to our quality of life-the air , the water , the facilities we have, the infrastructure we have, the services we get and put up with ....etc......