Computer awareness
1.SIM fullform
2.beta testing
3.CMM full form
4.OLE object linking and embedding(not sure)
5.rs232c program was invented by....
9.density of mercury
10.pH value of water
1 if((2a+b)<100)...... 5 ques were given with different values of a and b.
2. int a=4
1.2.0 2. 2 3. 4.0 4. 4
ans :4
3 int x=2
some from apti
most of the questions were repeated from previous papers
i am giving only those which r not repeated
1.if x is an integer x^2-x-1 is options ..always odd
2.a number is given and find the missing digits in that no if it is
divisible by 75.
3.if a number is increased by 10% then which of the following will not
have the value ans:7.5(check it).
4.if 3/10 of x is y is 10 what is the value of x.(something like that)
5.two questions on diameter of a rectangle is 4 mts and the angle b/w
diameter and side is 30 degrees find the area and perimeter.
6.product of two numbers is 900.
the sum of two numbers is 30 greater than the difference of two
numbers. ans 60.
5a+4b=16 what is the average of a and b
ans a:-4 b:9 avg:2.5
8.mean of a data set and the standard deviation of that data set is
given. u have to find out 1.5 times S.D that of the given mean
9.anand is ten years older than ram. after 5 years anand is twice than
the age of ram. find anand's age after 3 years ans:18
10.find the total no of palindromes between 100 and 1000
11.if 0
12.if X is the set of prime numbers less than 6 and Y is set of odd
numbers less than 6 . if x is from X and y is from Y then the total no
of combinations of x*y are .. ans :9
13.ques on probability
a dice is thrown three times what is the probability of NOT getting
6 on the face of the dice. many four digit numbers can be written if all the four digits are
My Quote
Labels: placement papers