My Quote

Quote of the Day

Most of the life failures are the people who dont know how close they are to win when they quit



There were 3 rounds on the whole

1.Written test 2.Technical Interview and 3.HR Interview.

written test is for 50 marks and the alloted time is 60min.

it includes 15 verbal,15aptitude and 20 technical and cutoff marks may be7,8 and 12.

GRE Barrons is good for is very easy..

.R.S.Agarwal's quantitative aptitude is more than enough for Aptitude

technical questions C(3), java(3),DBMS(2),Oracle(2),OS(3),CO(1),C++(3)and other general questions.

In technical Interview he asked me to describe about my self.

then,the questions asked are define OS,types of job scheduling,memory management techniques and explain them.He asked to write 2queries in DBMS, then he asked me to explain any three commands in Unix,one question from CO,and he asked me what do u mean by recursion.? then he asked me to write a program on recursion and asked me to explain the program.

I answered all the questions and he was satisfied with my answers..and he gave me Application form of wipro.It means that we r selected for the HR. i felt so happy that i crossed the technical interview.technical interview went on for 20 min.

then as soon as i filled the form......i was called for the HR interview.

my HR interviewer was a lady.She was very cool and friendly.

the HR questions were- tell me about urself? ,what r ur hobbies ? and what do u know about wipro ?and 3 pesonal questions and any one can answer with little bit of commonsense.....Mainly they test our level of confidence in the HR be cool while answering the HR questions...

It went on for 15min.

totally 120 students attended the written test out of which 53 got selected for technical.Then out of these 53 students 25 got selected for HR interview .and finally they selected 19 students.

that means 19 out of 120 students were placed in wipro. Iam very happy to be one among them.
