My Quote

Quote of the Day

Most of the life failures are the people who dont know how close they are to win when they quit



Test consists of 4 sections

for each section there will be specific time limit n after time limit

question paper collected by the invigilator

The written exam was in FOUR steps....

1) English/verbal

2) Arithmetic /quantitative

3) Reasoning /mental ability


1-----20 questions 15 minutes

2-----25-30 questions 30 minutes

3-----20 questions 20 minutes

4-----10 questions 15 minutes

here are the questios that we remember....


5 questions....from a passage...

passage was based on RDBMS, ....questions were

very easy..u can answer them even without reading that passage...

5 questions --from another passage...

passage was based on RAM/memory.....questions were very easy..u

can answer them even without reading that passage...

10 questions ....fill in the

verb / articles/tenses/prepositions.......

but questions were simple. very simple..

1) Shares these Apples-------pavan and keshav


2) --------day he will become a great man

ans)one or some

3)motor bike traves 60kmph--------hour


4)The paper reports the failure of the Mission is -----------technical problems

ans)due to


it also contains 25-30 questions....

5-6 questions from cube problem...the problem was that we have a

cube .A 5*5*5 cube is painted black for 1 inch on each edge and rest surface with white. Now the

cube is cut in to 125 pieces.

1) How many pieces r with no face coloured.


2) How many pieces with 3 faces coloured


3) How many with atleast two faces colored

Ans) 44

4) how many with 2 faces colored

Ans) 36

5) how many with colored only white


2 questions from direction sense test.....

one question ..ankit started walking towards south. after walking 30

miters ,he turn towards left and walk 25 metres.he then turned left and

walked 30 metres . He again turned left and walked 25 metres. how far is

he from his origin al position.

6-8 questions from Ven diagram/set theory....

5 questions on some logic which belong to servers in a hotel There are 3 persons named N M G

with 3 different colors Yellow, Bule, Green they will serve not in this order. At 1pm the special one

is beriyani which is served by blue bowl and G never serve with Yellow bowl and N will serve at

2pm where as M will serve at noon.

5 questions on registration with theater…

There are 3 color theatres are there with Yello, Blue, Green color

If Yellow theatre needs then with 5000Rs and 1month advance booking needed

If Blue '' 4000Rs and 20 month advance booking needed

If Green '' 1000Rs and 10 days ''

And this advanced booking will possible if and only if that theater should be registered

Already by management.

Reasioning.... 20 questions...

5 questions similar /disimiliar

1234512 1234512 1234523 1234512

which one is different.../ that

decision making..

5 questions the question was....

following is the criteria for admission to manager job in

management institute..a condidate must

a) be a graduate from management institution.

b) more than 30 years on 1.6.2003

c)at least 4years of experience should be there

d)at least 2years of international exposure should be needed


A)If first condition fails and if she is having 2 years of international exposure then PV will take


B)If last condition fails and if she is having 4years of experience then HR will take interview

now there were 5 five questions attach to this data.....

5 questions from mathematical operations....


if + means /, / means * ,* means - ,- means +,then

24+6*2/3-4 means what?

5 questions from statement and assumptios....


1)A &B not equl to zero what is the value of A/B?

a)A is 750%of B


2)There r two friends sumitha, ankitha along with 7 persons they went to film. How many ways they

can sit?

a)They sit on extremes

b)They sit together

3)The length of the parellogram diagonal QS is 12cms then what is the area of the parellogram?

a)R is perpendicual to QS

b)PR is perpendicular to QS..(Think so doubtful).

now give an if only assumption is implicit

b if only 2 assumption is implicit

c if either 1 or 2 is implicit

d if neither 1 nor 2 nd is implicit

e if if both 1 and 2 are implicit

Fourth section (technical) 10 question 15 min

Based on c programs

BFS, DFS, Pointer concet, Linklist, Queue, stack etc last set was of DATASTRUCTURE

1-> i=1, j=1, k=1;

n =i++ || ++j && ++k;


2-> char ch[20];

int r; for(r=0; r <=18 ; r++){ r[ch] = 'c'; } ch[i] = '\o'; printf("%s",ch);

3-> Choose the algorithm of insertion in BST?

4 diffrent algorithm for insertion given

4-> Choose the algorithm for BFS?

4 diffrent algorithm for BFS given

5-> Choose the algorithm for DFS?

4 diffrent algorithm for DFS given

6-> one question of file management.......

Based on opening mode..

1st question based on strcmp

1 question based on pointers

1 question on emptying the queue with four conditions as look like algorithm