My Quote

Quote of the Day


1) Some flow chart is given. Five question on this flow chart.

i. Whether i will take the value 0

ii. Find value of i

iii. Find value of a

iv. Find value of j


i. Yes

ii. -4

iii. 13

iv. 29

2) One more flow chart. Five questions

i. s value at 6th iteration

ii. value f3 when n=6

iii. f3 doesn't take which value

iv. When s=57 what is the value of f3

v. What is the value n when program terminates.


i. 31

ii. 34

iii. 9

iv. 89

v. 11

Formulae involved in the flow chart:

S = N2 - ( N – 1)

F3 = F1 + F2

F1 = F2

F2 = F3

mug this flow chart.. same flow chart came for is very

difficult to remember the ques.. i am sorry that i cudnt able to

reproduce.. for the 3rd Section i remember few que:

Section 3: 1- problem on tower of hanoi-- ans 7

2 problem on fig. find the shaded area, square of size 14cm.. ans: 42

3. problem on symmetric fig ;; ans less than the 1172 (check) .

4. few questions on blood relationship.. (refer r.s. agrawal reasoning)

sample looking at photo tells that " the daughter of this person is the only son etc..."

try to familiar on this ..

5 . again ques on relationship..; 6 persons are there A, B, C, D, E, F.

i) how many male: ans -4

ii)how many female- ans 2

iii) how D related to A; - similar ques ..easy ..

6)u have the series of letters..need to find the odd one out..

tips: u identify the pattern all the choices follow the pattern except one..

eg: given words are say ..ABCD , JKLM, OPQR, UVWX, EGHI

in this the last set do not follow the pattern..

in case of ABCD- all are continious. JKLM , OPQR, UVWX..follow same all are continious ..

If u see the EGHI – this is not continious as EFGH shud me it …

U have 4 ques on this..easy one..

6) u have to fill the missing letter in the series.. little bit

tough.. 4 ques..but easy..

7) u have 3 figure –based on the figures ques asked.. easy one..

eg: Fig Triangle means Strong

Fig Square means Tall

Fig Circle means Fair.

Ques asked is find the number that represents Strong Tall and Fair

persons.. easy one ..

So u have 3 ques on this pattern..

8) u have ques on flow chart..easy..very simple..

NOTE: they r looking for the toppers if u r the topper than


probs. Mostly CGPA of 8 + is they expect. To shortlist.

Syntel Pattern 3 sections

No Negative Marking

Section I - Verbal - 25 qns - 15 mins

Section II - Quantitative Aptitude - 30 qns - 45 mins

Section III - Logical Reasoning - 30 qns - 30 mins

Total 85qns - 90 Mins

Section - I - Verbal - 25 qns in 15 mins, refer Barron's GRE guide.

Synonyms Analogies Fill up the sentences

Find the Word that has to be replaced

Form a Sentence and find the last word

Section - II - Quantitative Aptitude 30 qns in 45mins - please refer Quantitative Aptitude by

R.S.Agarwal to prepare.

few qns i remember are

The highest Score in an innings was 3/11 of the total and the next highest was 3/11 of the

reminder. If the scores differed by 9, find the total score.

a) 151 b) 161 c) 121 a d) 101 e) 137

Ans: c

A boy was asked to multiply a certain number by 53. He multiplied it by 35 and got his answer

less than the correct one by 1206. Find the number to be multiplied.

a) 37 b) 67 a c) 87 d) 97 e) 107

Ans: 67

A Problem like this not exactly the same but on same model.

If the manufacturer gains 10 %, the wholesale dealer 15 % and the retailer 25 % then the cost

of Production of a table, if the retail price is Rs.1265

a) 632.50 b) 800 c) 814 d) 834.24

Ans: b

A trader marks his goods up by 50% and declares two successive discounts of 20% each.

What is his overall gain?

a) 10% gain b) 4% gain c) 4% loss (A) d) 10% loss e) No loss No gain

Train Problems - 3 as finding speed of train, how many secs it will cross each other etc.

Age problems -3 , find mothers age,fathers age etc.