My Quote

Quote of the Day


1.struct XXX

{ int a;float b; char *s;}X;

If optimization :X not used in compiler then un used

bits. give your assumption.

2.struct XXX

{int a:6; float b:4; char s; }structure;

size og (structure);

3.class used for the multiple inheritence in yava_________________

(a) Anonymous class

(b) inner class

(c) abstreet class

(d) none

4. XDR fixes in which part of OS1 stack.

5. LDAP is____________service protocol.

6. Given definition for a function which returns a array of pointers with

argument of int*.

7.Give a function declaration with no arguments which refers a two dimensional


8.Pick up the correct function declaration.

1.void *[] name();

2 void int[][] name();

3 void ** name();

4 none of the above.

9.Give the difference between monolithic and microlithic kernal:

a mololic large

b micro used in embedded systems.


10.rPC coresponds to_______________in OSI stack.

11.find the no.of page faults using LRU stack.

eg.3 4 4 6 7 8 1 2 .. ..

12.the inorder representation of a tree 41523 and preorder is 211513 Draw it?

13. when does a stack member will be initialised

(a) when object is created

(b) when object is initialised.

(c) doesnot depend on object.

(d) none.

14 no.of CPU in a multiprocess is contrassed by

(a) RISC nohere of CPU

(b) memory



15 main()

{char *s; s="hot java"; strcpy(s,"solarrs java") }

16 main()

{printf("hot java");fork() exit(0);}

1. when redirected to a sreen what will be printed.

2 when redirected to file what will be printed.


{ int ret; ret=fork();ret=fork();ret=fork();ret=fork();if(!ret) printf("sun");


how many sun 4 solaris will get printed

18. main()

{char *p='a'; int *i=100/*p; }

what will be the value of *i= 1


cannot be defined.

19 which data structure gives efficient search

1 B-tree

2 binary tree

3 array

4 linked list

20. struct point

{struct point *next;int data;}x;


{ int i;for(x=p;x!=0;)x=x->next,x++; freelist(x); }



find error?

21. mutex and _________are similar locking mechanisms.

22.nextt question on from pointers and functions( highfy) take care.

23. SNMP and SMIP transport layer protocols for TCP/IP&OSI.

24 unix : difference between select and poll

interview questions were mainly on data structures, computer architecture

( very imp) , os and networks