My Quote

Quote of the Day


1.Father age was the same as of son now, when son was born. Now father is 38 then what is the age of son 5 years back.

2.For gravelling floor with bed area the cost of gravelling bed area and the remaining are of the floor are 3 rs and 4 rs resectivel. If the length and width of the floor is 13 then what is the length of the bed area.

3.A is father of C. D is daughter of H. Gis the son of A. H is the wife of C. F is the daughter of C. Then how is D is related to G.

4. 28




what is the value in the – osition. i. 4 ii. 6 iii. 16 iv. None of these

5. In how amy two factors can you get the value 8064 i. 20 ii. 21 iii. 24 iv. None of these

6. A train is 20% faster than car. They started from A and reaced B at the same time. The thain is with 12.5 min stoppages. What is the speed of the car

i. 50 ii. 55 iii.60 iv. None of these

7. seating arrangements with A to H and some with some conditions.

8. Then IN the 1st triange arrows are given up side and

In the second triangle they are down side. We
To find for the circle.

9. one question on cylinder but the numbers are in points

10. one table is given with the roduct and revenues. We have to find the % rev more than the revious year.

GD topic: To advertise Meshine guns should we take Veerappan or army commander

1. A Trinary number(Base 3) is given(i remember
211212). You have to convert it to Decimal.

2. Five figures are drawn and you have to tell the
sixth figure.(Bank PO type question) Ans: choice 1

3. One circle, One triangle and Two rectangles are
drawn in a jumbled way. You have find the
area(or,length of a side) of some intersection.

4. A detailed description is given and on the basis of
which one question was asked. I don't remember much
but...i think the story goes like neckless
has been stolen by one of the ten Persons(there names
are given.....A says B has Stolen...B say C has Stolen
like that....Only one of them is telling truth...So
who has stolen the neckless.

5. One question was on Pipes and Cisterns.

6. A tent has conical roof and Cylindrical base. You
have to find out the Surface Area. Dimension were
given..Height of conical roof = 4.8 m, Diameter of
Base= 9 m...

7. A $ B means "A is brother of B" , A*B means "A is
father of B" A % B means "A is wife of B" on
Which of the following option means that P is Father
in law of U? then 5 optons were given with long

8. If 19+48 = 34 , 24 + 48 = 24
56 + 23 = ?

9. If D means "less than" F means "not greater than" C
means " Equals To" etc......Then two expressions were
given in this notation and you have to deduce the
resultant expression (obviously in same
notation)..easiest question....attempt it first.

10. A figure was drwan showing the Flight Route of a
Mine Vehicle along with the probability of Accidents
in diffenrent regions of the Route as well as the time
taken by the vehicle to cross that region. You have to
find the region where the Chances of Accident is

11. One more question was there to be solved on the
basis of detailed description given with it. I
remember some series of numbers was given.

I am sorry I don't remember the rest 4 questions.

Be fast in solving questions. As time is the major
constraint. And I have heard that if you solve more
than 8 questions then you have v. good chances of
clearing the test. I cleared it and I attempted only
10 questions.