My Quote

Quote of the Day


1)Material used for coating the electrode is called

a) protective layer b) binder c) slag d) deoxidizer e) flux

ans: e

2) the strength of a properly welded joint as compared to base metal

a)same b) more c) less d) unpredictable e) two cant be compared

ans: d

3)The surface to be machined are marked on the pattern by the following color

a) black b) yellow c) red d) blue e) green

ans: c

4)A 20 tonne press implies that

a) weight of press is 20 tonnes b) press can handle works weighing upto 20 tonnes c) it can exert pressure uptp 20 tonnes d) its foundation should be designed for 20 tonnes e) its turnover in a day is 20 tonnes

ans: c

5)no lubricant is required when cutting threads in

a)tungsten carbide b) mild steel c) titanium d) brass or castiron e) hss

ans: d

6)The difference between planner and shaper is that in former case

a) tool moves over stationary work b) tool moves over reciprocating work c) tool can machine internal as well as external details d) both tool and job reciprocates e) tool is stationary and job reciprocates

ans: e

7)Powder metallurgy techniques are used in production of

a)high carbon tool steel b) HSS tools c) tungsten carbide tools d)twist drills e)ceramics

ans:: e

8)Drilling is an example of

a)simple cutting b) uniform cutting c) orthogonal cutting d) oblique cutting e)intermittent cutting

ans: d

9) Reamer is used to correct the

a) size and position of drilled hole b) size and roundness of hole c) finish and position of drilled hole d) finish and size of drilled hole e) finish and depth of a drilled hole

ans: b

10) The operation of milling two sides of a workpiece simultaneously is called

a) gang milling b) climb milling c) square milling d) straddle milling e) end milling


11)In which type of milling operation the chip is cut off at thinnest place and the chip thickness increases along chip length

a)up milling b) down milling c) end milling d) climb milling e) key way milling


12) A sine bar is specified by

a) its total length b)the center distance between two rollers c)size of the rollers d) the distance between rollers and upper surface e) weight of sine bar


13)Expressing a dimension as 18.3±0.02 mm is the case of

a) unilateral tolerance b) bilateral tolerance c) limiting dimensions d) all the above e) none of the above


14) LASER stands for

a) light amplification by simulated emission of radiation

b)light amplification by strong emission of radiation

c) light amplification by simulated energy of radiation

d) light amplification by simulated energy of radiation

e) none of the above

ans: a

15) Gantt chart provides the information about a) material handling b) proper utilization of manpower c) production schedule d) efficient working of machine e) all the above


16) Third angle projection symbol

17) Fillet welding symbol - ref: machine drawing book

18) Father of scientific management

19) problem: feed speed thickness will be given ,drilling time is asked

20) Normalising operation is carried out in

a)furnace b) air c) water d) oil e) controlled atmosphere

21) one question in work study

ans: workstudy =time study+method study

22)which is a dimensionless quantity

ans: specific gravity

23: Which is a vector quantity

Ans: momentum

24) Pressure applied in a liquid in all directions will be given by

ans: pascal law

25)In Piercing and punching clearance will be applied on

26) Permanent plastic deformation of metals under compression

ans: malleability

27)To increase corrosion resistance which will be added

28)cycle used in petrol engine

29)use of index pulley

30)What is resilience

31)M20*2 –in this 20 represents what?

32)one question about isotropic of materials

33)Solder is an alloy consisting of

ans : tin and copper

34)In a cantilever beam point load is applied on free end , where failure will accure

35)plastic deformation due to constant load at high temp ans: creep

36)Galvanising is

ans: the process of coating of zinc by hot dipping

37)ABC analysis deals with

ans: controlling inventory costs money

38)PERT stands for

ans: Projection Evaluation and Review Technique

39)Type of hatching is given you have to identify the material - ref: m/c drawing book

40) Study about combination die, compound die , progressive die

All the questions are taken from

Mechanical Engineering R.K .Jain –Khanna's publications

Objective Type