My Quote

Quote of the Day


Q1. __stdcall calling convention

Ans. stack is cleaned by the callee

Q2. mutable key word is used for

Ans. if used with a member variable it can be changes by a function declared as a constant

Q3. foo & const ref

Ans. this is not a good practise since references are always constants

Q4. private inheritance means

Ans Non private members of a base class become private members of derived class

Q5. int I=2; Int j=3; Int k=4; Cout<<(I<< s =" "abcd"" c="s[1];" t="s;" c="'z';" k="0;">5) return 1; else return func(I-1);

int main() cout << pb=" new">func(); pb= new der2; pb->func(); pb= new der3;



Q10 Which of following will cause application crash…there are three options

ANS. char * p = new char; Char *q=p; Delete p; Delete q;

Q11 for typeid to give correct result which condition is must

Ans. Class should be polymorphic

Q12 following things are default when class is created

Ans. Default constructor, copy constructor, assignment operator

Q13. which casting is done at run time

Ans. dynamic_cast