My Quote

Quote of the Day










Anarchy: Government,

Philatelist: Stamps,

Stoke: Smother,

Corrosion: Metal,

Actor: Troupe


1: A vehicle covers a dist. Of 300 kms. If it's velocity is increased by 5 kmph, it takes 2 hours less

A) Intial vel=22kmph

B) initial vel>22 kmph

2. 2x-2=y; x&y are integers. Which among x&y is greater?

3. h=7m, D=48m, Fence cost= Rs 2.80 per sq.m. find cost of the fence?

4. 9.5*0.85/19*17 = ?

5. A) 204/121*100 B) 380/121*1000

6. A no. which leaves remainder of '1' when divided by 1,2,3,4,5 A) greater than 60 B) 60

7. Jessy had sold 80% of the total items she had (she had 2 types of items) Type1:sold at 1$per item Type2: sold at 3& per item. Total revenue she got from the sales was 32$. How much she had in the beginning before sales.(value of total items=?)

8. Bar diagram was given related to physicians. Ratio of male to female physicians=90%…………(check)


1. a perfect gas a. has zero viscosity b. has constant viscosity c. satisfies the relation PV = MRT(ans) d. is incompressible

2. density in terms of viscosity is a. kinematic viscosity/ dynamic viscosity b. dynamic viscosity/ kinematic viscosity(ans) c. kinematic viscosity x dynamic viscosity d. any of the above

3. Reynolds number for pipe flow is given by: a. VD/v b. VD µ/d c. VD?/µ(ans) d. VD/µ

4. a barometer is used to measure a. very low pressures b. very high pressures c. pressure difference between two points

d. atmospheric pressure(ans)

5. a Kaplan turbine is suitable for a. high head low discharge b. high head high discharge c. low head low discharge d. low head high dischage

6. in a centrifugal pump installation while starting, the position of delivery valve is a. fully open b. fully closed c. half opend. more than half open

7. an air vessel is provided at the summit in syphon to a. regulate the flow b. increase discharge c. increase velocity d. avoid an interrupt in the flow

8. a material which recovers fully after unloading but not instantaneously is known as a. plastic b. elastic c. partially elastics d. anelastic

9. the loss of strength in compression with simultaneous gain in strength in tension due to over loading is known as a. hysteresis b. inelasticity c. creep d. boeschinger effect

10. the modulus of rigidity is defined as a. the ratio of true stress to true strain b. the ratio of shear stress to shear strain c. the ratio of longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain d. the ratio of twisting moment to cross sectional area.

11. for a thin cylinder the ratio longitudinal stress/hoop stress is a. ½ b. 1 c. 2 d. 4

12. if two forces of magnitude P act as an angle, ? their resultant will be a. 2P cos?/2 b. 2P sin? c. 2P cos? d. p cos 2?

13. the angle of projection a of a projecticle is double the angle of inclination of the plane on which a particle is projected. The ratio of timeof flights on the upward inclined plane and downward inclined plane will be equal to a. 1/cosa b. 1/2cosa c. 1/sina d. 1/2sina

14. the center of gravity of circular cone lies on the axis at a height from base:a. h/4 b. h/3 c. 3h/4 d. 3h/5

15. the slope of constant pressure line on temperature entropy diagram is give by a. S/T b. T/S c. Cf/T d. T/Cf

16. the fact that the product of pressure and volume of a fixed amount of gas is of approximately constant value is known as: a. charle's law b. Gay lussac's law c. Dalatons law d. None of the these

17. the net work done in a polytropic process is equal: ans is P1V1 – P2V2/(n-1)

18. for a reversible adiabatic process the change in entropy is a. zero b. minimum c. maximum d. infinite

19. otto cycle consists of the set of processes as a. two isentropics and two constant volumes b. two isentropics and two constant pressure

c. two adiabatic and two isothermal d. two isothermal and two constant volume

20. in a 2 stroke engine we get one power stroke in a. 180 degree of crank rotation b. 270 degree of rotation c. 360 degree of crank rotation d. 540 degree of crank rotation

21. latent heat is a. heat that does not follow first law of thermo dynamics b. heat required to change the substance from solid to gaseous state c. heat required to change the state of substance from liquid state to solid state d. heat required to change the state or condition under which the substance exists

22. the vapour pressure is related to the enthalpy of vaporization in; a. clausius clapeyron equation b. henrys law c. raoults law d. maxwells equation

23. an optical pyrometer work on the principle of a. expansion of fluids b. change of electrical resistance c. thermo electric effect

d. mono chromatic radiation

24. octane number of petrol generally available is in the range a. 10-25 b. 25-60 c. 20-75 d. 80-100

25. on a psychrometric chart sensible heating or cooling is represented by: a. a horizontal line b. a vertical line c. inclined line d. curved line

26. dry ice is a. free from water b. free from dissolved air or gases c. does not contain impurities d. solidified form of carbon dioxide(ans)

27. a diffuser is used to a. increase velocity and decrease pressure b. increase velocity as well as pressure c. decrease velocity and increase pressure(ans) d. decrease velocity as well as pressure

28. air fuel ratio for a gas turbine is closer to a. 10:1 b. 15:1 c. 20:1 d. 60:1(ans)

29. chocking is a. variation of mass flow rate in proportion to pressure ration b. variation of mass flow rate in inverse proportion to pressure ration c. fixed mass flow rate regardless of pressure ration(ans) d. none of these

30. kinematics of machines deals with a. apparatus for applying mechanical power b. number of inter related parts c. the forces acting on the parts of the machine d. the relative motion between the parts neglecting the consideration of the force(ans)

31. dynamic of machines deals with a. the relative motion bet. The parts, neglecting the consideration of forces b. the forces acting on the parts of the machine.(ans) c. The apparatus for applying mechanical power d. The number of inter related parts, each having a definite motion

32. a cycle chain is a kinematic chain a. yes b. no c. yes, provided the links are limited in number d. yes, provided the distance is limited

33. the total number of instantaneous centers for a mechanism of n links is :a. n b. n/2 c. n(n-1) d. n(n-1)/2(ans)

34. the number of links in a pantograph is equal to a. 3 b. 5 c. 4(ans) d. 6

35. In a cam and follower mechanism, for the uniform velocity of the follower, the displacement curve will have a. no slope b. constant slope(ans) c. slope in positive direction only d. slope in both positive and negative direction

36. a point on a link connecting double slider crank chain traces a a. straight line path(ans) b. circular path c. parabolic path

d. elliptical path

37. the number of instantaneous centers for a four bar chain mechanism would b a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6(ans)

38. the maximum efficiency along an inclined plane is a. 1- sin?/1+sin?(ans)

39. can simple band brake be made self energizing type a. yes b. yes, but with few limitations c. yes, but will require several modifications d. no

40. the function of a governor is a. to control the engine speed b. to maintain the speed of engine constant c. to maintain constant piston speed of engine d. to maintain the speed of an engine within prescribed limits of varying load conditions

41. if n1 and n2 are the max. and min. equ. Speeds then sensitiveness of governor would be a. n1+n2/2n1 b. n1+n2/2n2 c. n1-n2/2n1

d. n1-n2/2(n1+n2)

42. the advantages of involute profile over cycloidal are given below. Identity if there is any incorrect statement a. the straight the teeth of the basic rack for the involute profile admits of simple tools b. the profile for the flank and face is a single curve in the involute system

c. the variation in the center distance within limits does not affect the two mating gears in the involute system d. the interference is inherently absent in this system(ans)

43. the differential gear in the automobiles is used to a. reduce speed b. assist in changing speed c. provide jerk free movement of vehicle

d. help in turning(ans)

44. a vibrometer a. indicates vibration amplitude b. indicated vibration frequency c. indicates nature of vibrations d. only indicates second and above harmonics

45. hammer blow in locomotives results a. pulsating torque b. uniform torque c. tendency to lift wheel from rails(ans) d. uneven speed

46. simply supported beam of length L with a concentrated load acting on the mid span. If the mass of beam is negligible compared to the mass acting, the naturall frequency of the system would be ans is (48EI/ml3)1/2

47. the abbreviation P.I.V. drive system stands for a. polar inertia Vee belt b. purely intergral variance c. perfectly induced velocities

d. positive infinitely varible

48. a swinging field type dynamometer is a. torsion dynamometer b. transmission type dynamometer c. friction dynamometer

d. electrical dynamometer

49. the equations m d2x/dt2+cdx/dt +kx = 0 represents a. free vibration b. forced vibration c. periodically forced vibration

d. free vibrations with viscous damping(ans)

50 while designing for screw threads care should be taken to provide adequate length of engagement for the screw and nut threads so as to prevent failure of threads in a. tension b. compression c. torque d. shear

51.maximum principal stress theory in applicable for e. elastic materials(ans) f. plastic g. ductile h. brittle

52. for traction applications, the type of motor best suited is a. induction motor b. synchronous motor c. dc shunt motor(ans) d. dc series motor

53. a babbit is a. a eutectic of iron and iron phosphide b. a gadget for measuring volume c. a measure of magnetic induction produced in a material d. antimony bearing lead or tin alloy(ans)

54. the blow off pressure of a safety valve is a. slightly above atmospheric pressure b. half of the boiler working pressure c. boiler working pressure d. 106% of boiler working pressure

55. in case of a saddle key a. the key way is cut in shaft only b. the key way is cut in both shaft and hub c. the key is welded to shaft

d. the key way is cut in hub only

56. splines are used when a. the power to be transmitted is high b. the power to be transmitted is low c. the torque is high

d. axial relative motion bet. Shaft and hub is necessary.(ans)

57. a criculating water pump of a condenser is of the centrifugal type and directly connected to a three phase induction motor running at 900 rpm. The pump delivers 30000 litres per min. against the dynamic head of 10m. the horse power of the motor required to drive the pump would be a. 20-30 b. 40-50 c. 50-60 d. 60-70

58. as per Indian boilers regulations the type of joint preferred for longtitudinal joint is a. welded joint b. welded joint which cover plate

c. riveted lap joint(ans) d. riveted butt joint

59. hydraulic testing of boilers is done at pressures a. below and above atm. b. Slightly above atm. c. At half the working pre. Of boiler

d. At 1-1/2 to 2 times the working pre.

60. rankine formula is valid upto slenderness ratio of a. 60 b. 80 c. 100 d. 120

61. a shaft is subjected to a torque T and bending moment M. the equivalent twisting moment would be: a. (M2+T2)1/2 b. (M2+4T2)1/2

c. (4M2+T2)1/2 d. (M2+T2)1/2 + (m/2)1/2

62. the average values of modulus of rigidity for Al, brass, copper, nickel and steel in descending order is ans is Al, Ni, Br, copper, steel

63. resistance to fatigue of a material is measured by: a. young modulus b. modulus of rigidity d. endurance limit(ans)

64. a solid shaft of 100mm dia transmits 100HP at 450/PI rpm. The torque in kg,m on the shaft would be a. 250 b. 375 c. 500 d. 750

65. the critical speed of a shaft is affected by: a. diameter of the disc b. eccentricity c. span of the shaft d. all(ans)

66. in order to avoid interference for 20 pressure and teeth minimum of teeth should be a. 8 b. 12 c. 16 d. more than 18(ans)

67. the phenomeno of elongation and contraction of the bolt is know as a. slip b. creep c. fatigue d. elasticity

68. in hydro dynamic bearings a. the oil film pressure is generated by external pump b. the oil film pressure is generated by dead weight of shaft c. the oil film pressure is generated only when the shaft rotates(ans) d. the oil film is sufficiently thick

69. which steel will have max. percentage of carbon: a. C14 b. C15cr65 c. C20cr18ni20 d. C40cr40(ans)

70. jaw clutches a. cause shock loads when engaging b. get disengaged at high rpm c. get disengaged in reverse direction(ans)

d. are friction clutches which generate heat when engaged

71. a body which does not contain voids or empty spaces is known as a. continuous body b. an isotropic body c. heterogeneous body

d. crystalline body

72. the limiting load beyond which the material no longer behaves elastically known as a. breaking load b. limiting load c. load bearing load capacity d. elastic limit(ans)

73. if a body has identical properties all over it is known as a. homogeneous(ans) b. isentropic c. ductile d. elastic

74. cold work is done on the metal a. below the thermal critical range b. above the thermal critical range c. at zero degree centigrade temp. d. after slightly warming the metal in furnace.

75. a plug gauge is use for measuring a. taper bores b. cylindrical bores(ans) c. spherical holes d. screw threads

76. a master gauge is a. used by masters b. used by all mechanics c. a standard gauge checking accuracy of gauges used on shop floors(ans) d. a gauge used by experienced technician.

77. in centreless grinding the workpiece advanced by a. push given by operator b. hydraulic force c. force exerted by grinding wheel

d. force exerted by regulating wheel(ans)

78. in climb milling ans is work moves in the same direction as rotation of the cutter.

79. the binding material used in cemented carbide tools is a. nickel b. cobalt c. chromium d. carbon

80. a 250mm diameter is turned at a cutting speed of 20m/min feed 0.5mm per rev. of spindle at a spindle speed of 25rpm now if the dia of workpiece is double and spindle speed is also double the time taken to turn the job will be a. four times the original time b. double the original time c. no change in turning time d. one fourth the original time

81. the passage way of bringing the molten metal to the mould cavity is known as: a. piping system b. loaming system c. gating system

d. entry system

82. a third flask sometimes used between cope and drag is called a. riddle b. middle c. fillet d. cheek(ans)

83. shot blasting is a. process of cleaning moulding sand b. process of cleaning core sand c. process of supplying blast of hot air to cupola d. process of cleaning casting

84. the function of a transducer is a. to amplify the input signal b. to modify the input signal c. to convert the primary signal into a more useful quantity usually an electrical impulse d. to codify the input signal

85. the method of testing hardness by brinell test is based on the principle of a. indentation(ans) b. penetration c. rebound d. scratching

86. in thermit welding heat is generated a. from combustion of gases b. electric arc c. reaction of oxygen with metal

d. chemical reaction involving finely divided alu. And iron oxide.

87. ultrasonic machining is best suited for a. non ferrous metal b. amorphous solids c. brittle materials(ans) d. dielectrics

88. in EDM the material of the tool is a. satellite b. diamond c. carbide(ans) d. high speed steel

89. bearing lining is a. bronze b. duralumin c. delta metal d. babbit

90. the process of cutting thin gears from metal sheets is known as a. extruding b. stamping(ans) c. sintering d. rolling machine tools normally spindle speeds vary in a. arithmetical progression b. geometrical progression c. exponential d. logarithmic

92. an optical flat works on the principle of a. polarization of light b. refraction of light c. dispersion of light d. interference light ray

93. the term CLA is used in connection with: a. surface hardness b. surface finish(ans) c. stresses in a component

d. average speed of a gear.

94. dressing in foundry practice is ans is the process of addition of chemicals to the molten metal to improve its fluidity

95. which of the following structure is least hard? a. martensite b. troosite c. pearlite d. sorbite

96. a steel piece after hardening is heated to 300C and then cooled in oil. The property imparted to the steel piece will be:

a. softness b. toughness c. hardness d. annealing

97. pipes are insulated so that a. the may not break under pressure. b. There is min. corrosion c. They can withstand higher fluid pressures

d. Heat loss from the surface is minimized.

98. 1 kW hour is the same as a. 1000 joules b. 1000 watt sec c. 3600 watt hours d. 3600,000 watt sec.

99. the equipment used for pulverizing is known as a. stroker b. burner c. hopper d. ball mill

100. if (2n-1) divisions on the main scale are equal to n divisions on the vernier scale and if S is the value of the smallest division, then least count would be: a. 2n/S b. S/2n-1 c. S/2n d. S/n