My Quote

Quote of the Day


There are 4 rounds:

Written Test

Technical Interview

CEO interview

HR interview

The Written test pattern:

50 Questions -- 1.5 hours of time.

Most of the questions are multiple choice.

The split up is :

EJB (10 Questions)

JAVA (20 Questions)

JSP (5 Questions)

MISLLENEOUS - XML, JDBC etc (5 Questions)

ANALYTICAL (5 Questions)

SQL (5 Questions)

Our written test is held on 17 Jan 2004 in Le Meridian hotel, Chennai.

I have written down whatever questions I remember so that it will be useful to those who will be

taking the test in future and also for those appearing for J2EE interviews.

I have given the questions in Written Test and Technical Interview.

I didn't have the other interviews.


1) What is true about 'Primary Key class' in Entity Beans ?

(a) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Home Interface and Container Context.

(b) Used to identify the entity bean based on EJB type, Remote Interface and Container Context.

(c) The definition of Primary Key class can be deferred till deployment

2) The Home Interface in Entity beans

(a) Provides at least one create() method

(b) May not provide any create() method

(c) Provides at least one findByPrimaryKey() method

(d) May not provide any findByPrimaryKey() method

3) In CMP of Entity beans

(a) Constructor with no arguments is defined

(b) Constructor is not defined

4) What is the purpose of ejbLoad()

5) What is the purpose of ejbStore()

6) In EJB, when a system error occurs, which exception is thrown ?

(a) EJBException

(b) RemoteException

7) In EJB, which of the following is an application level Exception ?

(a) NullPointerException

(b) ArrayOutOfBoundsException

(c) CreateException

(d) ObjectNotFoundException

(e) All the above

(f) None of the above

8) CMP bean provides

(a) Empty implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()

(a) Concrete implementation of ejbLoad() and ejbStore()

JSP and Mislleneous

1) What is the purpose of XSL

(a) Convert XML to HTML

(b) Convert HTML to XML

ANS: (a)

2) resultSet has the following methods

(a) next()

(b) first()

(c) a & b

(d) No methods

3) In WebLogic clusters, what is the load balancing algorithm ?

(a) RoundRobin

(b) FIFO

(c) LIFO

ANS: (a)

WebLogic uses a Round-Robin strategy as default algorithm for forwarding the HTTP requests

inside a cluster. Weight-based and random algorithms are also available.

4) How many Queues does a MDB listen to ?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) Any Number

(d) 10

ANS: (a)

An MDB can be associated with only one Queue or Topic

5) Where is the Deployment Descriptor placed ?

(a) WEB-INF directory

(b) WEB-INF/CLASSES directory

(c) It will be mentioned in CLASSPATH

(d) The place can be specified in APPLICATION.xml

6) To denote distributed applications, What is the tag used in Deployment Descriptor ?

(a) distributable

(d) distributed="true"

(c) both a & b

7) Can a JSP be converted to SERVLET and the vice versa always ?

(a) YES

(b) NO

8) Empty JSP Tag definitions are given in Deployment Descriptor. Then which of the following

syntaxes are correct ?

(I don't remember the options)

9) One small question on tag


1) Which of the following 2 methods executes faster ?

class Trial { String _member; void method1()

{ for(int i=0;i<2048;i++) }

{ _member += "test"; }

void method2() { String temp; for(int i=0;i<2048;i++)

{ temp += "test"; }

_member = temp;

(a) method1()

(b) method2()

(c) Both method1() and method2() takes same time for execution

ANS: (b)

Accessing method variables requires less overhead than accessing class variables.

2) Integer.parseInt("12a") returns

(a) Exception

(b) 1

(c) 0

(d) -1

ANS: (a)

3) By default, Strings to functions are passed using the method

(a) Call by Value

(b) Call by Reference

(c) Strings cannot be passed to function

ANS: (b)

String is a class defined in java.lang and in java all classes are passed by reference.

4) What is the difference between OVERRIDING and OVERLOADING

5) What is the output of following program ?

class Test {

public static void main(String args[]) {

for(int i=0;i<2;i++) {


(a) Goes into infinite loop

(b) 0,1

(c) 0,1,2

(d) None

ANS: (a)

6) 't' is the reference to a class that extends THREAD. Then how to suspend the execution of this

thread ?

(a) t.yield()

(b) yield(t)

(c) yield()

(d) yield(100) where 100 is the milli seconds of time

7) What is the functionality of instanceOf() ?

8) How many String objects are created by the following statements ?